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At Praemia REIM France, we maintain close relations with our partners

A major player in real estate savings in France, Praemia REIM France creates savings products: SCPI, OPCI, SCI.

In order to commercialise our investment plans we have established solid partnerships with professionals who share the same values as us. We provide them with access to our property investment solutions and assist them with their specific requirements.

Our key objective is to develop close lasting relations with our multi-channel distribution networks (Insurers/Key Accounts...) in order to serve the best interests of our clients.
Each year we add new open architecture partners and support them by training and leading their sales teams were necessary.

Why Praemia REIM France?

A complete range of collective property investment solutions

We propose a large range of property investment solutions in the form of SCPI, OPCI, as well as unit of account plans listed in a large number of life insurance policies. Our partners select the most suited investment solution for their strategies and client expectations from our product range.

Our SCPI have targeted investment strategies in terms of their underlying property holdings (offices, retail units, healthcare/education, residential, hotels), which means they can assemble optimised asset allocations.

At Praemia REIM France, we are developing a strong culture of innovation. Consequently we were the first asset management to connect domestic savings with the healthcare and education property sector through the SCPI Primovie, created in 2012.

Dedicated expertise by asset class

The funds managed by Praemia REIM France reflect the convictions of the management team in the various intervention markets: office, healthcare and education real estate, retail, residential and hotels. Our experts rely on local entities for the rental and technical management of buildings.

Our teams work with each partner to design a tailor-made asset allocation based on their clients' needs.

They are committed to supporting everyone with their specific needs, whether in training and facilitating their sales forces or creating dedicated tools. Our commercial documentation and reporting are personalized on request.

Why Praemia REIM France?
Why Praemia REIM France?
Why Praemia REIM France?

Our range of investment savings plans

Our range of SCPI (real estate investment trust)

100% property investments proposing regular potential income and developing asset values over the long term.

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Our range of OPCI (collective real estate investment undertaking)

A largely property-based placement scheme generating regular dividend payments and developing asset values over the long term.


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Life insurance

Property unit of accounts are available which are subject to the tax benefits applicable to life insurance policies.

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A tool-box to power your performance

Praemia REIM France provides a dedicated range of services and tools for its distributor partners

To assist in the commercial development of their products:
We propose a range of supports which facilitate and simplify day-to-day business and respond fully to any end-client queries including commercial and regulatory documentation, investment solution presentation videos and market updates.

Market analyses and prospect surveys
Our investment strategy is preceded by macro and micro economic surveys which allow us to implement our real-estate convictions. We share the property and economic markets analyses produced by our Research & Strategy department with our distributor partners during specialised professional events.

We have also developed a dedicated extranet space for our distributor partners.

A specialised team for our distributor partners

We work in close connection with our distribution networks. Each of our partners has their own dedicated Primordial REIM France point of contact.

Praemia REIM France can co-organise events with its partners to drive their sales teams and/or participate in conventions, conferences, trade-shows, seminars, etc.

Contact our team

Philippe Chambery Directeur Développement Retail
Philippe Chambery Retail Development Director

Léa Peyran
Léa Peyran Development Manager

Julien Jaoui Development Manager

Sanela Matic Chargée de relation commerciale
Sanela Matic Commercial Relations Officer

Veronique Noailly Partnerships & events officer

Our SRI approach

Praemia REIM has set up a Socially Responsible Investment approach to systematically and transparently integrate environmental, social and governance criteria into its management policy.

As an independent and committed company we hope to implement the most exemplary management practices possible for our clients, staff and the community in general. We are very concerned by the environmental challenges that face us, by ethical and cultural diversity and providing society in general with the healthcare and educational infrastructures that it needs. As part of our property investments we also apply an active sponsoring approach for the NGOs that work in these sectors.


Notre démarche d’Investissement Socialement Responsable
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