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Real estate investment accessible to all.

Praemia REIM France is a real estate asset management company that offers savings solutions for individuals (SCPI, OPCI, SCI) and investment solutions for institutions.

For all budgets

A few thousand euros are enough to subscribe to SCPI units. And you can invest on a one-time or regular basis.
SCPI Pour toutes les bourses SCPI Pour toutes les bourses

Potential additional income

To prepare for retirement, anticipate your children's education, finance a project, travel...
SCPI Compléments de revenus potentiels SCPI Compléments de revenus potentiels

Passing on a legacy

Create your own capital by becoming an owner in a different way, and by diversifying your portfolio.
SCPI Transmettre son patrimoine SCPI Transmettre son patrimoine

If you are interested in investing, talk to your advisor who will help you evaluate which products are right for you and also outline the potential risks.

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Praemia REIM France"


How does SCPI work?


I subscribe

  • Directly
  • Through a life insurance

Prior to any subscription of SCPI units, the investor must be given the information memorandum, the articles of association, the DIC, the subscription form, the latest information bulletin and the latest annual report. These documents are available from the asset management company.


I invest

  • Cash
  • With a loan

A loan commits you and must be repaid. Check your ability to repay before committing yourself. The subscriber should not rely exclusively on the income from the SCPI to meet his or her repayment obligations.


I benefit

  • I receive quarterly dividends in proportion to my investment, if any.
  • No worries, Praemia REIM France takes care of everything, for a management fee.
  • My capital is potentially valued over the long term.
  • By becoming an associate of the SCPI with other individuals, the risks are mutualized.

Our products present a risk of loss of capital due notably to the changing real estate markets. Revenues are not guaranteed and may go down as well as up depending on the performance of the fund. An investment in SCPI or OCPI units is a long-term consideration with a recommended investment horizon of 10 years. Liquidity is limited and the management company cannot guarantee the resale of units. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

Funds contributing to the support and sponsorship of necker hospital


The SCPI that supports all stages of life

The 3 key points
  • Socially useful activities on a buoyant market
  • Investments in France and in the Eurozone
  • A capitalisation of over 4 billion euros
Distribution rate
at 31 December 2024
4.20 % Le taux de distribution est la division du dividende brut, avant prélèvement libératoire et autre fiscalité payée par le fonds pour le compte de l’associé en France ou à l’étranger, versé au titre de l’année n (y compris les acomptes exceptionnels et quote-part de plus-values distribuées) par le prix de souscription au 1er janvier n.
Subscription price
at 21 January 2025
€ 164/share
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Office real estate


An asset base mainly composed of offices

The 3 key points
  • A capitalisation over 3 billion euros
  • Majority of the offices in Ile-de-France
  • Prestigious tenants
Distribution rate
at 31 December 2024
3.54 % Le taux de distribution est la division du dividende brut, avant prélèvement libératoire et autre fiscalité payée par le fonds pour le compte de l’associé en France ou à l’étranger, versé au titre de l’année n (y compris les acomptes exceptionnels et quote-part de plus-values distribuées) par le prix de souscription au 1er janvier n.
Subscription price
at 21 January 2025
€ 115/share
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Residential real estate

Patrimmo Croissance Impact

Residential real estate in bare ownership

The 3 key points
  • The 1st SCPI mainly invested in bare ownership
  • A social and interim residential asset base
  • Buildings mainly for future completion
Subscription price
at 21 January 2025
€ 677/share
The SCPI presents a risk of capital loss.
Everyday real estate


A new way of experiencing real estate

The 3 key points
  • An SCPI oriented towards everyday real estate: residential/hospitality
  • Potential capital gains partly carried by the dynamics of the metropolises
  • Investments in France and in the Eurozone
Distribution rate
at 31 December 2024
3.66 % Le taux de distribution est la division du dividende brut, avant prélèvement libératoire et autre fiscalité payée par le fonds pour le compte de l’associé en France ou à l’étranger, versé au titre de l’année n (y compris les acomptes exceptionnels et quote-part de plus-values distribuées) par le prix de souscription au 1er janvier n.
Subscription price
at 01 January 2024
€ 204/share
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Commercial real estate

Patrimmo Commerce

Commercial real estate within reach

The 3 key points
  • An SCPI for shop buildings
  • National and international brands
  • Attention given to the quality of locations
Distribution rate
at 31 December 2024
3.75 % Le taux de distribution est la division du dividende brut, avant prélèvement libératoire et autre fiscalité payée par le fonds pour le compte de l’associé en France ou à l’étranger, versé au titre de l’année n (y compris les acomptes exceptionnels et quote-part de plus-values distribuées) par le prix de souscription au 1er janvier n.
Subscription price
at 21 January 2025
€ 160/share
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Real estate in Ile-de-France

Ufifrance Immobilier

An asset base mainly composed of offices in Ile-de-France

The 3 key points
  • A fixed-capital SCPI created in 1988
  • Asset base 100% in Ile-de-France
  • Active property management
Distribution rate
at 31 December 2024
4.05 % Le taux de distribution est la division du dividende brut, avant prélèvement libératoire et autre fiscalité payée par le fonds pour le compte de l’associé en France ou à l’étranger, versé au titre de l’année n (y compris les acomptes exceptionnels et quote-part de plus-values distribuées) par le prix de souscription au 1er janvier n.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
New residential real estate

Patrimmo Habitation 1

New residential real estate in Scellier BBC

The 3 key points
  • The Scellier BBC tax arrangement
  • Assets entirely located in zones A and A bis
  • A capital increase closed in January 2012
Distribution rate
at 31 December 2024
1.58 % Le taux de distribution est la division du dividende brut, avant prélèvement libératoire et autre fiscalité payée par le fonds pour le compte de l’associé en France ou à l’étranger, versé au titre de l’année n (y compris les acomptes exceptionnels et quote-part de plus-values distribuées) par le prix de souscription au 1er janvier n.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Patrimmo Croissance Impact
Patrimmo Commerce
Ufifrance Immobilier
Patrimmo Habitation 1

Why choose Praemia REIM France?

A wide choice

SCPIs, OPCIs and SCIs, in different property segments and geographical areas to meet everyone's needs.

Thematic funds

SCPIs that focus on one type of real estate asset to make the investment strategy more transparent.

Responsible funds

A range of SRI-labelled real estate funds to give meaning to your savings.

Specialised teams

Expert teams for each type of real estate asset (offices, retail, healthcare, education, residential, hotels) to seize the best opportunities on the market.

Easier management

In return for fees and commissions, Praemia REIM France buys the buildings and manages the assets.

A tenant relationship

The teams manage leasing, partnerships with occupying operators and comfort within the buildings providing visibility on potential revenue recurrence.

Our range of solutions

Private individuals
Our SCPI offering

Our SCPI offering

(real estate investment trust)

Investments placed 100% in real estate offering regular potential income and/or seeking increased value of the assets over the long term, in exchange for management fees.

Find out more
Our OPCI offering

Our OPCI offering

(real estate collective investment undertaking)

An investment mainly in real estate, aiming for a regular distribution of potential dividends and increased value over the long term.

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Our available life insurance offering

Our available life insurance offering

Vehicles available in unit-linked real estate funds.

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Institutional Investments

Institutional Investments

Custom-designed real estate funds for institutional clients according to their investment strategies.

Find out more
Livre blanc ISR

Discover our SRI Guide in Real Estate

What is Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), particularly in real estate?

Our mission is to inform our clients, savers and institutional investors, as well as the general public. Here we present SRI and its specificities in order to familiarise as many people as possible with its issues.

Everything you need to know about socially responsible investment applied to real estate is in this guide!

Why choose Praemia REIM France?

Praemia REIM France is one of the asset management companies of the European real estate platform Praemia REIM.

We manage and enhance the value of a portfolio of real estate assets located in 11 European countries on behalf of our investor clients. These assets include offices, healthcare and education properties, retail properties, residential buildings and hotels.

Our investment and asset management teams, specialised by property class, have a perfect knowledge of their various markets in France and the Eurozone. Where necessary, they rely on local entities for asset sourcing or technical management of buildings.

Past investments are no guarantee of future investments.

Pourquoi choisir praemia reim france Pourquoi choisir praemia reim france
Le Lumière

Le Lumière

Paris 12, France


Boulogne-Billancourt, France
West Plaza

West Plaza

Colombes, France


Paris 15, France


Levallois-Perret, France
Dueo Galeo Trieo

Dueo Galeo Trieo

Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France
High Street Retail

High Street Retail

10 cities, Belgium
Healthcare and education real estate


Faenza, Cotignola, Lecce, Italie
Rue de la République
Residential and hospitality

Rue de la République

Marseille, France
International School of Milan
Healthcare and education real estate

International School of Milan

Milan, Italy
Clinique Le Terrazze
Healthcare and education real estate

Clinique Le Terrazze

Milan, Italie


Val de Fontenay, France
179 CDG

179 CDG

Neuilly-sur-Seine, France