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SCPI: still exceptional inflows in 2021

Despite the still unstable health and economic environment in 2021, real estate funds recorded exceptional inflows.

The French have invested 10.7 billion euros. SCPIs (Sociétés Civiles de Placement Immobilier) alone received 70% of this amount, which they are increasingly directing towards assets that meet SRI criteria.

SCPI: solid inflows despite the economic situation

The year 2021 remained dominated by the Covid-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, the SCPI have continued to collect strongly over the past year. Indeed, these real estate investment vehicles totaled €7.4 billion in net inflows in 2021, a 22% jump from 2020. Collection even accelerated at the end of the year, with a total of €2.2 billion in the last quarter alone.

To be noted: Record inflows for Praemia REIM France: No. 1 collector of SCPIs in 2021 as in 2020 and 2019*.

At the end of 2021, the assets under management of SCPIs in France amounted to 78.6 billion euros, up 10% over one year. This figure continues to grow every year. In terms of performance, too, SCPIs have continued to grow: their average distribution rate was 4.45% in 2021. It should be remembered that past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

To be noted : Life insurance was one of the main channels for collecting REITs in 2021*. Holders of unit-linked life insurance policies invested €3.1 billion in REITs. This amount has increased by 10% in one year.

Offices and the Ile-de-France still in high demand

In terms of asset acquisitions in 2021, SCPIs purchased assets worth €7.8 billion. Offices are the main assets purchased by value (58%), followed by healthcare and education (17%), retail (11%), logistics and business premises (5%), residential (3% including managed residences) and finally hotels and leisure (3%).

Geographically, the Ile-de-France region (35%, including 5% in Paris) and other countries (34%) are the main investment locations. Outside France, SCPIs have made acquisitions in Germany (10%), the United Kingdom (7%), the Netherlands (6%), Eastern Europe (2.5%), Spain (2.4%) and Ireland (2.2%)


Responsible investment takes off

As of December 31, 2021, the SRI label for real estate funds 30% of SCPIs andOPCIs (Organismes de Placement Collectif Immobilier) *. The number of SCPIs obtaining or in the process of obtaining the SRI label continues to grow. Launched in October 2020, this label demonstrates the commitment of SCPIs to cleaner and more environmentally friendly investments


SCPI: an investment with risks

Investing in SCPI units presents risks, including the risk of capital loss. The investment is considered to be illiquid and should be considered from a long-term perspective and for asset diversification. The management company does not guarantee the resale of units. The potential income of the fund and the value of the units are not guaranteed. They may go up or down depending on the fund's performance, real estate market trends and economic conditions. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

Source of figures: ASPIM

Praemia REIM France indicates that the decision to invest must take into account all the characteristics and objectives of the fund, as described in the prospectus.

For more information on SCPI, contact us!

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